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Friday 18 March 2011



The State as an institution came into existence as part of a historical process. In the
third world, decolonization shaped the state, giving it specific characteristics. The? Boundaries existing at the time of colonization were modified in some cases; in other
Cases entirely new states were carved out. The temporal boundaries of the state did not
always coincide with the Nation; that is, often people belonging to different ethnic
groups, nationalities were brought together and the boundaries of the colonies were
traced, delimited according to the needs of the colonial powers. African states are the
best examples to indicate the armciality of the state. Nigeria for example was entirely a
British creation. The Third World States became states before they became nations. This,
is to a large extent, is responsible for territorial conflicts and for problem of national
integration. A number of Third World Counuies face ethnic and secessionist movements
in the post-colonial era. British colonial policies and the dynamics of nationalist
movements led to the creation of Pakistan's secessionist movement which is turn led to
the creation of Bangladesh. The d ~ c i a l i t y of the colonial boundaries, the impact of
colonial legacy and the dynamics of decolonization processes explain the complexity of
the Third World State.
The third world state has the following distinct features.
1. It is an over developed state;
2. It enjoys autonomy from the dominant classes;
3. It protects the interests of the metropolitan bourgeoisie &so.
An 'Over-developed State'
In the Western capitalist countries the modem nation-state has emerged due to internal
dynamics of society. It cam into being in the course of a historical transition to
capitalism. The rising capitalist class took the initiative to establish a nation-state.
In the third world the motive force for change in the political institutions came from
outside. During the colonial period the third world was dominated by the western
capitalist countries. The colonial rulers had created political institutions in their own
image to facilitate domination over the native classes and economic exploitation of the
To perform these functions the colonial rulers have related an elaborated legal-institu-
tional structure to control the colonies. The many and the bureaucracy who manned
these institutions played a vital role in managing the affairs of the colonial rulers.
Even after independence the elaborate structure remained in existence. There are two
salient features of this state: one, that it is not formed by the local classes nor is it
established as a consequence of social change, two, the native ruling classes had no
control over the state.
Emergence of theThird World
The state is far ahead of the time and space in which it is located. In the third world
counmes therefore bureaucracy and the army have acquired a central place. In the
western capitalist countries the bureaucracy plays an auxiliary role. It is an instrument of
the dominant class, whereas in the third world it has a central place and it enjoys
autonomy from the dominant classes.
An over developed state weakens democratic institutions. Even in those third world
countries where democratic institutions exist and the elected representatives control the
state agencies, bureaucracy retains its domination over the state. However it exercises
control in league with politicians. ,
In counuies having democratic control politicians occupy central place. Politicians
articulate the demands of the people to cultivate support. They formulate policies to
fulfill the demands of the people. In this process politicians provide legitimacy to the
political institutions. However, the power is hemmed in by bureaucratic procedures and
controls. Politicians are converted into brokers between the state and the people.
12.3.2 Autonomy
The western countries are domina~cd by a single well-formed dominant class. In all the
western countries the capitalist class is the dominant class. The third world is marked by
the existence of multiple dominant classes. The landlord class, i.e. local bourgeoisie of
the metropolis control the third world. An alliance consisting of all these classes
dominates the state. The alliance is called historic bloc. The historic bloc arises because
the social formation in third world consists of elements from both capitalist as well as
precapitalist social relations. The capitalist class is weak and incapable of fighting
against the pre-capitalist relations in society.
The capitalist class is weak because it exercises limited control over the economic
activity. A large part of the economic production is controlled either by the metropoli-
tan bourgeoisie or by the local landed gentry. No class is enough strong to exercise
contrdl over the state.
Since there is no single dominant class, the slate acquires the autonomy to regulate the
relationship between different classes of the historic bloc. The third world state, by
deploying vast economic resources to reproduce capitalist production pmess in the
interest of local dominant classes and the bourgeoisie of the metropolis, sustains its
12.3.3 Control of the Metropolis
The third world state is subjected' to control by extraneous forces. The under-developed
nature of the economy and the nature of the ruling elitelclasses renders the state
dependent on foreign aid and capital. The ruling elite by acting as mediators between
the sfate and the external capital amass profits. This process does not help developmerit.
The gap between the ruled and the rulers and between the rich and the poor widens. It
is fanfetched to argue that €he third world state is completely under the control of
imperialist rulers. Independence from colonial domination has eliminated the scope for
the bourgeoisie of the imperialist powers to exercise direct control over the third world
state. However it influences the third world state indirectly. The over-developed third
world state by dissolving the national boundaries, creates favourable conditions for the
world market to penetrate into the third world. The state by facilitating the induction of
technology and investment brings about the integration of the third world into the
global market. The state, the ruling elite, negotiate with C.e external world with
dimirgishing power and ability to do so.